The Metzke™ Above Head RC Assembly.
For purpose built RC Drill Rigs and conversions of DTH rotation heads, Metzke™ has recognised the requirement for a compact, field serviceable and easily retro-fittable assembly.
The Metzke™ Above Head HD RC assembly includes 3 major components.
Metzke™ HD Dual Swivel
Key benefits include;
Heavy duty but compact design
Solid plumbed air inlet piping to Blowdown valve
Single piece long life mud seal
Soft coupling connection between Swivel shaft and Head shaft / spindle
Metzke™ HD Blowdown Valve
Key benefits include;
No external 3 way valving required
Field Serviceable
Retainer type mount for an easy retro fitment
Compact design 140mm in height
Metzke™ 90°and 60°Blast Box
The Metzke™ Blast Box is a compact unit with interchangeable hardened wear plates and ceramic block. The Blast Box is mounted with Retaining Clamps and can therefore be mounted in the most suitable orientation. Both of the inlet and outlet have replaceable wear inserts.